1. We believe in one God, the Father, Creator of heaven and earth.
2. We believe in one Spirit, the Divine power by which the Father performs His work.
3. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Divinely begotten son of God, foreordained before the foundation of the world to save people from sin and death by the sacrificial shedding of his own blood.
4. We believe that he was conceived by Mary by the Holy Spirit, and was born with the same flesh as all other humans, containing the same propensities, and was therefore tempted in all points like us, but never sinned. He defeated and destroyed him who has the power of death, that is, the devil.
5. We believe he died for our sins and was buried, and rose again to immortality on the third day, and later ascended to the right hand of God in heaven, to be the mediator and intercessor of His church.
6. We believe he will return physically and visibly to the earth at the appointed time, restore the throne of David at Jerusalem, and reign over all nations for a thousand years establishing universal righteousness and peace.
7. We believe that man is wholly mortal and that death is a “sleep” - an unconscious state, during which there is no consciousness of the passing of time. The only hope of life after death is in resurrection at the second coming of Christ, at which time mortal bodies will become immortal bodies, like Jesus, who is the “first fruits.”
8. We believe that hades (hell) is the grave and gehenna (hell-fire) is the valley of Hinnom at Jerusalem where garbage was disposed of and where fires consuming the rubbish burned continually. Jesus used this as an example of the fate of the wicked.
9. We believe that qualifying for salvation involves believing the truth as it is in Christ, repenting of sin, and being baptized.
10. We believe that baptism is not infant sprinkling, but the full immersion in water of those who are old enough to believe and repent.
B.C. Hodson
1. We believe in one God, the Father, Creator of heaven and earth.
2. We believe in one Spirit, the Divine power by which the Father performs His work.
3. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Divinely begotten son of God, foreordained before the foundation of the world to save people from sin and death by the sacrificial shedding of his own blood.
4. We believe that he was conceived by Mary by the Holy Spirit, and was born with the same flesh as all other humans, containing the same propensities, and was therefore tempted in all points like us, but never sinned. He defeated and destroyed him who has the power of death, that is, the devil.
5. We believe he died for our sins and was buried, and rose again to immortality on the third day, and later ascended to the right hand of God in heaven, to be the mediator and intercessor of His church.
6. We believe he will return physically and visibly to the earth at the appointed time, restore the throne of David at Jerusalem, and reign over all nations for a thousand years establishing universal righteousness and peace.
7. We believe that man is wholly mortal and that death is a “sleep” - an unconscious state, during which there is no consciousness of the passing of time. The only hope of life after death is in resurrection at the second coming of Christ, at which time mortal bodies will become immortal bodies, like Jesus, who is the “first fruits.”
8. We believe that hades (hell) is the grave and gehenna (hell-fire) is the valley of Hinnom at Jerusalem where garbage was disposed of and where fires consuming the rubbish burned continually. Jesus used this as an example of the fate of the wicked.
9. We believe that qualifying for salvation involves believing the truth as it is in Christ, repenting of sin, and being baptized.
10. We believe that baptism is not infant sprinkling, but the full immersion in water of those who are old enough to believe and repent.
B.C. Hodson
Service times - Christian Restoration Centre
Sunday 10.30 am - Praise / worship / word ministry and Communion
Sunday 7 pm - Praise / worship / word ministry
Wednesday 7.30 pm - Bible study / Praise and prayer meetings
Sunday 7 pm - Praise / worship / word ministry
Wednesday 7.30 pm - Bible study / Praise and prayer meetings